Saturday, March 6, 2010

LadyCat Saturday at The House of CoonCats!

Hey folks. You're not going to believe this, but we had all sorts of sunbeams this morning - and mom didn't take a single picture of it! I'm so upset at her! Big brother was sunning himself so handsomely in a sunpudde, if I must say so myself. However, since it was obvious we couldn't get her to take any pictures, I made sure she wasn't moving at all! I slept on her lap for a good hour, and a little while after I left from that nap, I returned and let her hold me and fell asleep in her arms for the longest time! I had her so relaxed by the time I woke up from THAT nap, she needed one herself! She told me something about wherever she goes hunting making her work harder today, so she's exhausted. But she was exhausted yesterday too! She slept most of the time she was home!
So on to the real exciting stuff. We're just about set for the St. Patrick's Competition, putting the final touches on everything. I even got mom to change up the blog a little bit. She says she won't be doing it again for easter, but she might do something for Independence Day early. We're so excited here though about the competition! Remember, the competition starts first thing Monday, so start making all those final adjustments! We won't be competing with you obviously but we will be partying nonetheless! Mom even said that since she found the nip, we might get some this week!
Big brother is feeling better. Mom thinks it's been a day or two since his last puking spell. I think he thinks not puking will get him out of the big VET trip in just over a week, but mom insists he's still going. I guess he doesn't understand he wasn't just going for that, but it's been years since he's seen a vet. It's way past time, and honestly, it's about time it's not me or my boy. I can't wait for mom to squeal on how much of a crybaby he is in the PTU. He can't be any worse than my boy... He cries like the whole world's coming to an end, from what both humans have said. Regardless, we are all hoping for a clean bill of health for my big brother, because mean as he is to me, he's still my big brother and I love him! He helped me raise the little runt even! So he BETTER be ok! Hear me, bro?
Excuse me a minute folks, the "runt" here. I am hereby notifying everyone of my offense to being called a "runt" - I am the biggest cat here! That in itself is disqualification for "runt" status! I don't know what my mom is talking about. She must be losing her mind. But it's ok I guess - maybe. I'll have to get back to you on that one after I ponder it some more. But while I'm here, I want to second what mom was saying about her brother. I hope Uncle Curzon is fine too, as he's just the best pal ever! We have a lot of fun together and he makes sure I know everything he knows, and that's a LOT!
*ahem* So as I was saying before the boy interrupted me, we have a lot of work still to do! There's all sorts of tinkerings our human has to do before Monday's arrival. We will try to convince her to stay up after she takes care of Nimbus so she can take pictures once the sun comes up. We hate to start the competition without any new pictures of us to inspire all you handsome mancats and bootiful ladycats! And remember woofies, the mombean loves woofies too for some reason, so let's not let her down! If you have to live with woofies, make them get involved too! The more the participants, the better the competitions will be! Let's get ready to party!

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