Wednesday, June 30, 2010


My sisfur has been hogging the blog. I apologize. She's like that MOL. So now I'm hogging it - and TSB's lap! But at least I got up once TSB got to the computer. She's now 2 days back on everyone, having not even loaded up her reader since Monday. Obviously there aren't any pictures, though maybe I'll get TSB to pull one out of the archive later. She has to catch up on her email too, as she's let that slide a bit too! Worst case scenario, sisfur will be the next furiend you see for her Friday hog of the blog.
BTW Inigo, TSB wants more modeling on your part. And fatboy er Nimbus says hi and sends a pawtap. Gargh. And Dante, TSB says you need a handsome tux outfit like MIB themed. And Mr. Hendrix... something about tigers and reds (I got a feeling this is something ohio related). Ok enough of this, I am NOT TSB's secretary, she's MY secretary!

King Curzon aka Count Chocula

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