Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another Update

Finally found a template I can live with, I just lost my blogroll AGAIN, so I'm working on importing it. I found a recent archive with all of you on there, so I'm just reimporting from that. So those of you further down the list (like Walter and Tom), I'm getting to you, eventually. But I must go to bed, it's 930pm here and 430am comes soon! So take care everyone, and I'll get back to working the blog eventually.

But on a side note... NEW SHOES! My feet thank me already. Wore the same pair of sneakers for over 3 years. It was time. But *grumble* had to walk into a walmart *vomit* but it was all that was open close. And a neighbor was taking me so I wasn't going to be demanding. I just only got what I HAD to get.

1 comment:

Walter parker said...

Hi Lynx, The new Blog format works for me, but then most things do anyway. Glad to hear that you now have more comfortable shoes. It is truly amazing to me that a pair of shoes can make such a difference. I know my primary school teacher used to point that out but it was only years later when I found out(painfully) for myself that I believed Him.
Anyway have a good weekend there,