Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mom Forgot to Title This!

Howdy everybody! We finally got mom woke up from her nap (actually it was a phone call from Mr. Cat that woke her up lol), barely in time for Nimbus' shot.
Before we get to today's pictures... mom got an award from Soul! We'll put it right in our sidebar with the other one! Now we're not going to try to give it to specific people because mom don't want to forget someone and feel like crud, and on top of that, it's going around so much everyone's probably already gotten it. But she got specifically mentioned, so we'll put it up in our sidebar. Thanks Soul!
So onto the pictures and enough of mom editing what we want to say!
J: Here's my submission for toes and tummy Tuesday, albeit a day late.
I wasn't cooperating with mom at all so this is the only other decent shot she got of me.
C: Mom had the audacity to snap a picture right as I was about to sneeze! Gee thanks, mom! A mancat can't even SNEEZE in privacy!
Mom: Thank you for not sneezing on the camera though. I'm sure Mr. Cat appreciates it even more than I do.
C: You're welcome, I guess.
C: My two favorite looks: the 'ain't I handsome' look and the 'leave me the **** alone' super-serious look.
N: I don't understand why mom even took this picture of me. Was she trying to prove that I'm a big cat? I thought we already knew that. I thought all mancats were big cats!
M: Not like you, Nimbus. Some are, like Dante and Rumbles is on the way there, but you're still bigger than Rumbles for now.
N: How can I be bigger than that fluffball?
M: Cause you're just a big*** cat! And besides, he's a Coon, and so he's kinda like a teenage Coon. He's a mancat with a LOT of growing yet to do. Curzon was the same way. He got big quickly and just got bigger.
N: Mom wouldn't get the flashy box out of my face so I gave her all the looks in the world, but as you can see, it didn't seem to work.
M: You were complaining just yesterday that you didn't think you had gotten enough camera time!
N: Didn't we already tell you this was OUR time to talk? Sheesh!
M: Well, guess what. I ain't done. I snapped a couple pics of the boys' tails (Nimbus on the left, obviously). As you can see, Nimbus' fur just poofs out. Curzon's kinda acts like Dante's... but it has a mind of it's own. Sometimes it'll part, sometimes it won't, sometimes like here it'll just be the end of the tail that does lol.
C: Even during a photo shoot, a mancat must always be on guard! Especially with a sister like mine... LOL!
M: I was nice enough to the guy to shoot this from behind, but this is what we call the chicken-leg pose. Especially when they were younger (and I harassed them more LOL), I used to sneak up on them and grab that air-extended paw. It made for some great paw-slapping moments. I guess my motivation for it was training - but what for, I don't know. LOL maybe I just like giving my cats the hard time they give me all the time?
C: MOM! And we do NOT give you a hard time!
M: Don't make me go into details, because yes you do. All three of you do, but you especially!
C: NOT ME!!!!
M: Yes you, Curzon.
J: He's just not as sweet as me, that's all. MOL!
M: Look at them paws on that boy! Those paws are great thwapping paws and there isn't anyone here that's NOT been thwapped by them, not even our neighbor upstairs! Does he ever intentionally hurt anyone? Naw, that's not like Curzon. But sometimes I think he forgets we humans don't have fur to protect our skin from his claws!
C: Now look, we've gotten to the end of our post and you haven't shut up yet! MOM! You pest! Oh well.
M: Not quite done Curzon. We still have one more thing... It's a bad video, and the background noise kinda interferes, but this isn't about the video. If you listen closely, you can hear a little snorkel purr from the JazzyCat!

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