Monday, March 8, 2010

A Quick JazzyPost

We couldn't stay outside long because the sun is so warm on a black kitty's fur, but for a brief few moments, Jadzia and I sat outside. Of course, she was moving constantly so most of the pictures didn't come out so well, but I think I got the point LOL...

I'm asking nicely for you to let me in, mom.
Ok, I'm done asking nicely. Either you let me in or I'll figure a way to get in myself!
Just for everyone's information, I did let her in shortly thereafter.

But not before I took a quick little video of her. Sorry for the crappiness of the audio, I didn't have her harnessed up so I was really skiddish as she's quite known for getting spooked. So both times that a big vehicle went down the street I got a wee more ansy. That's why you keep hearing me calling her back. Yes, she comes that easily to me. But its so cool that you can hear all the birds in the background. I know, though... her cries sound so pitiful! But she knows how to use them, and use them she did!

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