N: I'm starting to notice a trend here...
Mom: What's that?
N: I didn't get the photo shoots the other two did!
M: Relax, boy. I'm just now starting to really sort through the pics. Besides, I have more pics of YOU than I do of each of the twins COMBINED.
C: Half of them are pics of you sleeping, boy. It's what you do best.
N: It's a hard life being a special cat!
J: Special my rear!
N: Yeah, that's just about where I came from!
N: Why? She's so fun to rattle!
C: And she will rip you a new ear before you even know what hit you.
N: But you do it all the time!
C: I've also had a lot more practice than you. And besides, I know I'm going to probably end up with a little less fur anyways. But she has to catch me first. And that rarely happens.
N: Yeah, you do move fast - FOR AN OLD MAN!
C: You're less than a year behind, rugrat.
J: You're both old. Neither of you can keep up with me. I swear I must either not be aging as fast as you boys or boys just age faster. All I know is that you can't catch me!
M: Hey there little missy, you're just a sleek, slippery, squirmy cat that can't be caught - not by Nimbus, not by Curzon, not by those two kids that thought they could snatch you as a kitten, heck not even I can catch you most of the time!
J: So I'm just that quick?
M: You've ALWAYS been that quick.
N: That's so not fair! Why does she have to be the fast one?
M: Because she's always getting chased by you and Curzon!
C: It's the funnest thing in the world to do!
J: For you perhaps!
M: Hey now, you are the one that will hiss and growl at your own son for no good reason. You'll walk up to him while he's sleeping, hiss and smack him, then run away.
J: I'm still paying him back for worrying me so much.
M: You've been harassing that cat for a good 3 YEARS now. You've subsided a little bit, but if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were turning into a mean, grumpy old woman!
M: Truth hurts sometimes!
N & C: Nah nah nah! Mom got ya!
M: Hey! Neither one of you get out of this free. Curzon, you're the one that'll just tear up and down the apartment chasing nothing! And you back your sister up against the wall is just asking to get your rear kicked!
C: Maybe I'm chasing ghosts!
N: Or maybe your brains!
C: Look who's talking...
N: I have better things to do than dismember a stupid worm.
M: Ok, enough from both of you. You haven't always been the most smart of decision-makers, Nimbus. You ARE the one that tried to eat the bar soap remnants...
N: I was a kitten! Geez!
M: And instigating fights with your mother than whining when she gets ya good isn't too smart either.
N: Are you ensuing...
M: Nope. You were the smartest little runt I ever saw and much easier to teach the basics to than either one of the twins. But sometimes you definitely show lapses in judgement.
N: And you don't?
M: For one I'm not a cat. For two, this isn't about me.
N: No but you're sure trying to make it.
C: Hey runt, don't mess with your nurse. That's not exactly the smartest thing to do.
N: Neither is keyboard sitting, but Jadzia's quite good at it.
J: I was inspecting.
C: And getting your butt up in mom's face.
J: So? Nimbus does it too!
C: And neither of our humans like it.
N: I don't understand what the big deal is.
C: They're not like us kid. Sheesh, they don't even have fur. They have to put things on them to keep them warm.
N: Some don't even have any insulation...
J: Well, mom would look silly if she had as much insulation as you.
M: You guys have no room for bragging. You're cold weather cats. You're built for going in the snow. Look at Dante. But no, you can't even bother to get WET.
C: Hey, in all fairness, there was just too much to walk through this year.
M: You won't even peek your head into a sprinkle of a raindrop. And Jadzia gets so royally offended if she gets a paw wet.
J: I'm royalty, you know!
M: Oh please.
N: I don't understand what the big deal is. If you just let them do what they're going to do no matter what, it gets done a lot quicker!
C: Uhm, but it takes two humans to bathe you. It only takes one to bathe me.
N: And you give her hell.
C: At least I don't hurt the hands that clean me.
J: They had no business bathing me! And that was years ago!
C: And they STILL refuse to bathe you.
M: Next time you need a bath you're going to the v-e-t anyways.
M: You're not going anytime soon, queenie. The boy is next.
N: ME?
M: Yes.
N: Why?
M: Because you need your checkup and to find out wtf is up with your count if I can't get it down.
N: Oh, ok fine. Can I have the same ladyhuman to hold me?
M: I don't have any say in that.
N: Will they do to me what they did to Curzon?
M: I don't know but probably. Temperature is a good indicator of infection. You deal with it like a champ though. More than I can say for either of the twins.
J: It's been years since that incident!
M: Yes, you were a kitten then Jadzia, but that fang through the finger down nearly to the bone hurt TERRIBLY.
J: You should've watched your finger.
N: Never bite the hand that feeds you!
J: Shut up runt.
N: RUNT?!? I'm twice your size, old woman!
J: Twice my size but twice as slow too!
*Nimbus turns around and puts his back to his mom and goes to sleep cuddling his binky.*
*Jadzia turns around too and falls asleep on the other human's laptop.*
C: I guess I'm on guard duty then, since you two are acting like little spoiled rotten brats.
M: LMAO look who's talking! Anyways, I'm here, big boy so you're not the only one on guard duty.
C: But you'll be going to sleep soon.
M: I have a while still. Besides Mr. Cat should be home soon.
C: And then he'll have to get his binky from the boy and his computer from sis.
M: I think he'll let the boy have the binky. As for the computer, I doubt she'll stay there too long. Every time you got a "present" she has to go investigate.
C: She is kinda nosy.
M: Just like you.
C: She IS my twin sister after all.
M: Obviously...
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