Sunday, April 25, 2010

Snoozy Sunday

So, what have we been up to...
Curzon knocked me out cold last night...He fell asleep draped across my left upper arm and of course, I wrapped up around him. Next thing I knew it was like 1030pm - I lost at least 3 hours! Atta boy!
After I woke up this morning (the second time - not when I got up to give Boo his shot), I ended up having all 3 cats up in bed - a PURRING monorail! I wish I'd had the camera for that! But it's so dark it's not even funny. It's just after 2pm but it might as well be nearly night-time. It's been cloudy and rainy since yesterday evening. I haven't even gone outside to see how high the creek's gotten. Perhaps I'm too scared to look.
So anyways, as you can see, we're taking it easy today... Nimbus and Jadzia both got brushings - as I'd found the wire brush that's flexible but gets the fur out that the other one just throws around. Nimbus loves it - doesn't he look smashingly handsome? That's my boy! I also had to cut a couple little mats out of him before they got down any deeper, but luckily I know how to cut a mat. Most people don't understand you don't need to cut the whole mat out. If you cut near the bottom, you're not going to cut their skin but you'll get enough out that you'll be able to comb or finger-pull the rest out. I guess I'm just an expert at this by now.
Curzon on the other hand is just kicking back, snoozing on the couch. His sister spent a long time snoozing on my lap today, stretched out like the Queen she is, paws crossed. It's always special when she VOLUNTARILY snoozes on me, as usually it's just either the last place for her to comfortably snooze or where I put her, though 85% of the time, when I put her somewhere, she just runs off! LOL I'd be truly estatic if Curzon lulled me to sleep tonight like he did last night... There's nothing like waking up with him right next to ya... though he DID have to go and prove he's still heavy enough to put my arm to sleep! LOL ohhh the tingles... boy that didn't feel good!
But look at that guy though, doesn't that say handsomeness all over it? Oh and "I need a brushing"? But he won't let me, not usually at least. He HATES being brushed. Maybe because he doesn't have the thick undercoat that Jadzia and Nimbus have. Don't get me wrong, he has it, but it's just not as thick and he's much more sensitive. He can feel a DROP of water hit him and he'll shake it off before you ever even notice it touched him. For being such a tough, sometimes-mean, grumbly mancat, he is such a wimp sometimes! But even mean cats get their dues, and he thought he was gonna be mean to Nimbus a couple times this week, and Nimbus showed that good cats aren't wimps! But hey, Jadzia's starting to ease up a LITTLE on the boy... Progress maybe? It's only been 3 YEARS! LOL

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