Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Odds and Ends

Wow I had a lot of comments to go through today after I got done hunting, thanks! I replied to almost every one of them too.
Nimbus is continuing to do well. He is staying within his normal range. It's been difficult this last year as I was hoping that he'd come down and stay down so I could pull him off of the insulin. It so looked like it for a time last year too. But his immune system is crapped out, leaving him very vulnerable to infections. I so wish I could take back the months of arguing with the other vet over him and none of this would've happened to him. But I can't, and I will be damned if I don't help the boy give the best fight he's ever fought.
I had good wrasslin' matches with both of my mancats yesterday after I woke back up from my after-hunting unplanned nap LOL. Nimbus did quite well, and is definitely showing signs of feeling better. Curzon, on the other hand, was getting p*d at me and let me know. He didn't get me bad, but he did whack my arm above the glove a couple times. That's Curzon for you. Snowflake on the other hand would get through the glove (and we're talking the super-thick winter gloves that nothing gets through) and tear your hand up a bit. Snow, love that cat, was vicious! But he was a stray cat that got dragged indoors, he was still a tough street cat. But he became my (huge) sweetiepie. Believe it or not, Snow was bigger than Nimbus is, easily - and heavier.
There was a wee concern about me apparently yesterday, as Jadzia was being a little more of a cling-on than normal. I'm fine, tyvm. Yes, some things had to be straightened out, but I just had to think them through and bounce some things off of my "adopted mom" and all is well. Sometimes I get OVER-analytical dealing with things.
So that's it for now. Tomorrow's post should make everyone smile too... But I have a lot of work to do... a lot of catching up to do on the reading front, a lot of photocropping to do for Friday's post... Yesh, busy bee I am!
We'll see everyone tomorrow!


Oh we almost had another rescue yesterday, this time a birdie! She flew right into my screen and I went out and she fell off finally and landed in the dirt (on her belly). I went in, got the dropper ready, got the boxing gloves on (so I didn't get pecked to pieces) and went out and she was gone - all within a couple minutes! Atta birdie!
Oh and there's a friggin' buzzer in here, ok a mosquito. Same difference to me. A buzzing biting bug. It must die. It WILL die. Question is, who will kill it, Jadzia or Nimbus? Or the longshot Curzon? Hmmm... time will tell. I know once Jadzia gets her eyes on it, that poor little bug is on borrowed time. Good riddance!

Second edit: I lost a couple pages I meant to post on, there was a power fluctuation and it affected the PC. Instead of saving my tabs, the browser forgot everything! So hugs to everyone who posted the last couple days that I didn't get to post a comment on.
And Nimbus is doing even better! Just a couple shots after his last cut, I might cut him again tomorrow morning! He's right at that cut-don't line. So I'm going to see where he's at tomorrow morning and go from there. But, the pills are definitely working! That's my Boo! And he was a good kitty this time, he came out from under the bed on his own... Much better, ya stubborn cat!

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