Monday, May 31, 2010

On Guard!

As some of you know, Mr. Cat and TSB abandoned us yesterday. They were gone almost a whole 24 hours! It's so not fair! But we're over it, well, me and my son are. My brother is still being a bit cold around both of them. So on this day of remembrance, we're standing guard, doing our part to make sure no one here gets too sad in their remembering of those who went before - human and feline. I gave TSB a big round of sonictribblepurrs and Nimbus has been snoozing with both of the humans off and on. TSB isn't too worried about Nimbus missing a shot, as he's been coming down and he got a slightly larger (half unit) shot yesterday.
We are also on this day thinking of our sick friends, especially Herman and Petie, who we just met a day or two ago when he was diagnosed with Diabetes. We have offered every morsel of wisdom that has been accumulated since Nimbus was diagnosed as well as the hope and optimism that seems to be neverending in TSB for this sick kitty. If any cat can prove that this dreaded disease can be managed, it's Nimbus. He has not only survived since his diagnosis, but thrived as well. He was a very, VERY sick kitty when he was diagnosed as well, due to months of inept veterinary care. We are very thankful today also for the wonderful vet who saw exactly what TSB saw and saved his life and the other vet at the clinic who took him under her wings and started a new course of treatment that neither the vet nor TSB knew whether it would work or not. The optimism was high then though, and now we are all sure that Nimbus, with any luck, will be with us for a very, very long time (fortunately or not for me MOL). We are very reassured also with Petie's vet's course of treatment, which seems to closely mirror Nimbus'. Nimbus, being part Coon, should always be within the 12-18lb range, preferrably closer to the 12lb. But for most of his full adult life (adult doesn't start for Coons until about 5 years old), he's been closer to the 18lb side. So when he was at the worst of his illness, seeing him under 10 was scary. Now, even with the change in food to the diet, he's STILL the monster cat he was before he got sick - as a matter of fact, bigger! Not necessarily fatter, BIGGER. His head is humongous! The paws, well they were almost always big. Those ears... well, we won't discuss them. But those muscles... he's gotten so strong over the last couple years that he wears TSB out when they wrassle! HAHAHA! To quote a dog on an old, old, cartoon, "That's my boy!" MOL
Let's see how many of you get the reference (woofie name and cartoon name)...

Jadzia, Queen of my Universe

(Yes, TSB recycled a pic from last year - she thinks - for the post. It's nearly 90 degrees outside, and the camera is charging from yesterday, so even IF TSB were to let us out, she couldn't take any pics to prove it! MOL)

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