Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Our Agenda

Hey there all of my furry friends, "TSB" here. I did something that I didn't think I'd do: I went and bought the cats a water fountain thingie. I was gonna get them one of those fevver toys ya'll got too, but OMG these guys would destroy that in a heartbeat. Anyways, so I got this thing set up (not too hard I must say), and "nearly" silent isn't silent enough. These cats and their sonic hearing can still hear it. But the twins have been curious, especially Curzon. I THINK he may have even taken a small drink out of it. It's hard to tell when he has his back towards me! But I also, because of the outlet locations, have this bowl way further away from the food bowl, which should (hopefully) cure Curzon's habit of dropping food into his water bowl. I'm not too hopeful on that front though. He's a weird cat like that. So anyway, I hope these cats take to it, especially Nimbus. Water is critical, especially in the summer. Anything I can do to make them drink more is good to me. "Glub glub" as we called it was nice - Nimbus loved it - but it scared the world out of Curzon and he literally did his best to destroy it. I can't count how many times he knocked the water bottle off of that thing! Talk about a wet mess! So right now I'm sitting on the floor a good 12-15 feet back watching and waiting, hoping to see these guys take their first drinks out of their new water bowl thingie.
Hope everyone's staying comfy wherever you are! Oh and Poppy, Rumbles, Misha, and all the rest of you now in the throws of winter, please do keep it for a while. We so desperately need this summer! I don't care if it gets into the 100s! That's how sick of the snow and cold I am! Let's get ready to bake!

Update: The only one I haven't seen drink from it now is Jadzia.

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