Sunday, July 18, 2010

Stuff n Stuff MOL

Hey furiends. Sorry for the lack of real posts lately. I'm still kinda nervous about Nimbus' pending VET trip. He'll be our Mancat Monday poster kitty this week - after the trip obviously. I am a little more optimistic than I was last week when he was spiking so dramatically, but still - I won't know until we go - and he better give up his pee! It'll be the easiest - and best - way to confirm or rule out an infection, especially one in his urinary tract, which scares us the most. So we're ticking away the hours before that trip. There's not much else going on around here. Curzon's been hanging out with me a lot lately, though Nimbus has been a wee more affectionate lately (more due to the fact that I'm making him wait for dinner MOL). Jadzia's itching has subsided a little bit but not that much. I had to give her a pred earlier this week to help it out too, but luckily one was all it took. Curzon's about to get a powderbath, unless I get up the strength to do a wet one - which I don't see happening anytime soon.
One good thing about going to the vet - other than the obvious - is that she'll be able to trim those back paw sloth claws down! OW! I tell you every time he launches off of my lap he leaves a mark on me! OWIE! I could rattle off a list of the scars I have from these guys ACCIDENTALLY scratching me, and almost every last one of them is from Boo launching away from me or Curzon getting playful. Since Jadzia isn't a wrassler, and play is with string or such things, I rarely get scratched by her anymore (cause I REFUSE to put her in water MOL). Oh, those of you who remember Nimbus getting de-matted a couple months ago, I did so well, his fur has nearly grown back! It's barely noticeable anymore. The (faux) furminator has helped keep the mats under control and kept his haunches from getting the oily tangles that spread so quickly. I still think soon he too will be getting a powderbath. But I will not be using the furminator for that. I have two brushes I use for that, one for getting the topcoat out and one for getting the excess powder and undercoat out. It also really alleviates some of the itchies they get. Funny enough, it's one of MY brushes, but with my long hair (up until recently), it's too small to really do its job.
Oh speaking about THAT - I do have to get it touched up. The layering was a piece of crap and she greatly misjudged how much my hair would lift up (I tried to tell her she didn't get it wet enough). Luckily I know people, so next month I'm getting it touched up and then MAYBE ya'll will get to see this ugly mug of mine MOL - but if like the last time I got my hair cut, ya'll will only see the back side! Yes, I'm just that incredibly shy - just like Jadzia!
OMC this is gonna get hilarious - Curzon is sacked out on one of the kitchen chairs snoring and Boo hears the snoring but obviously doesn't know Curzon's up there... Someone will be getting whapped soon... MOL Don't do it Nimbus!!!! Oh he's such a smart boy... OW! That's my foot! Payback eh? That's what I get for warning him, eh?!?
So anyways, that's it for now. I still don't have any updates on the whole comment thingie. No update on any progress in fixing the "issue" from ID and no word from Disqus about how to resolve the conflict issues. But it IS the weekend, so hopefully I'll get some answers tomorrow. Oh and to the poor folks in Puerto Rico that got nailed with a twister - glad no one died and my heart goes out to you, as I'm sure ya'll were prolly wondering WTF it was at first! And hope everyone on this half of the planet is staying cool! It sure is plenty toasty - ALMOST enough to make me forget about all them FEET of snow we got last winter!!!! Emphasis on the ALMOST.
Be well friends, especially my non-cat blogger buddies I don't get to talk to as much (Cheryl and Walter especially). My apologies but life obviously is a bit chaotic anymore. Oh and Soul, I want more kitty pics! MOL!!! Poor you for letting the SoulKid suck you in. See what happens when you combine kids and kits?!? But c'mon, yanno ya love the kid and if this is all it takes to make her happy, consider yourself lucky. It could be MUCH worse!

Oh and by the way, I know I still have to update the friends list, I'll get there eventually I promise!

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