Thursday, August 12, 2010


First of all, bad news good news. Bad news: PC is still sick. It's like I fix it, get done what I need to and shut it down for the final time, and when I reboot, it's back. So I'm not killing the root cause. Dangit. Good news: comment moderation is fixed! I got to be the tester to make sure it was fixed, so thank you to those who left comments yesterday and unwittingly helped me test the fix. The LOL strip was fixed, so you can see it on frame but click it to see it full screen.
Ok, now to what's so funny. Let me set the scene. We have a cooler that we just don't have any room for right now except next to the litterbox (no it's not being used MOL yuck). I just got done scooping out the box, and of course like always, Nimbus has to dirty it right up again, like a minute after I clean it! So there's Nimbus, in the box, and Curzon next to him on top of the cooler, staring down at Nimbus as he does his "business", staring down right when Boo's taking a dump, surely getting a whiff! MOL it was so hilarious! But maybe Nimbus taught Curzon a lesson - DUMP IN THE BOX! Now hopefully Curzon learned and will tell his sister the same thing. No, it hasn't fixed it, not the monsterously expensive litter, not the litter attracter, nothing. I do have to say that mixing in the wheat litter has cut down tremendously on the dust. My lungs thank me but my pocketbook is screaming at me. So any suggestions on that end I still need suggestions on.
And Sunday will be Nimbus' last day on antibiotics, so please purr purr purr that he doesn't do his spikey thingie afterwards. He's getting too good at scaring me. Maybe we need to put that in the Good Cat Rulebook: no scaring hoomins, especially those who are your nurse as well. (Pst Inigo, can I borrow the book so I can try to teach these twins how to get on TSB's good side? Thx. - Nim)
So that's all for now from here in the CoonCat household.

TSB (with some guidance from me, her Royal Highness, Queen Jadzia)

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