Monday, November 15, 2010

Purrs and thank yous

Fanks to my furiend @hemmingwayscat for being such a sweetheart. Here's the proof!
Fanks to @freshotis and everyone else who helped me gather the recent #porchwithjack sit-in! It was a rousing success!!!
Many purrs to Inigo and Jack, who are still fighting their way through difficult medical issues right now.
Many purrs to the recent OTRB furiends, Keiko (from Keiko and Luna), Sniffie, Gunner (tweep) and all the others. There's just been so many.
Special purrs also to @flufanella wherever he may be. We miss you and can't wait for you to return to the twitterverse.
Pass the word! If you both hang here and in the twitterverse and are a member of Inigo's Good Kitty Club, you're a part of the #goodkittyclub twitterverse too! Spread the word!

The Clan

1 comment:

Brian Frum said...

That is so wonderful, I didn't really realize...sorry it has been difficult. Tomorrow is green paper day so I will go there tomorrow.