Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Purr Request

Please, PLEASE pray, purr, send healing thoughts - WHATEVER you do - for everyone who has been affected by this month's tornado outbreaks & flooding. We are going to be trashing all sorts of records, & I wouldn't be surprised if 1974's super outbreak records are even broken. Cod bless them all. I feel it - I grew up in tornado alley. I know what it's like to live 4 months of every year afraid of what's next. Cod... *cries*


Pumpkin said...

I'm purraying like crazy for efurryone. Between the sick ones and the ones devastated by weather or job loss, there's too too many pals in trouble.

Please tell me you don't live in Tornado Alley.

Pandafurkitty said...

We iz all purring fur thoze in affected areaz. Owr sisfur lives dere too. *purrr*

Pandafurkitty said...

We iz all purring fur thoze in affected areaz. Owr sisfur lives dere too. *purrr*

Brian Frum said...

We are purring and praying like crazy for eveyrone, we got lucky and the storms missed us last night.

Brian Frum said...

We are purring and praying like crazy for eveyrone, we got lucky and the storms missed us last night.