Thursday, April 17, 2014


Hope everyone is doing well!
I spent my Thursday practicing my easy... on mama!
See, according to her I've been extra naughty lately. All I know is she keeps calling me naughty and being upset with me. So a couple days ago I guilt tripped her! I wouldn't go near the hoomins and was hiding under the bed. Mama is a wee dense for a human but not dense enough that she couldn't figure out what was going on and coaxed me out, and told me she was sorry for being so harsh on me. I've been hogging the attention ever since.
Call me a pro... I know how to get right to mama at her core.



Brian106sc said...

Hey, naughty and normal both start with the letter N so all is okay!

Sparkle said...

Sounds like you took care of that situation!