Sunday, September 21, 2014


Even in dark light, Curzon is just striking. The Kindle doesn't have a flash so it's harder to get good pics of the twins, but his eyes just attract light so at least you can see where his HEAD is *giggle*.

(Notice it's a flashback pic but there's no FLASH so it's not a FLASHback mol)

(This was supposed to post earlier sorry. Somehow the schedule didn't work.)


d'Artagnan Rumblepurr said...

Awww!! Lookin good Curz!!

Summer said...

Great looking Curzon pic!

Brian106sc said...

That is a wonderful photo!

Glogirly and Katie said...

Flash or no flash...Curzon, you are SO handsome!!!

Lynx217 said...

Why thank you so furry much!