Monday, August 27, 2007

Political News etc

Well, it's official. The third most hated man in the White House is
resigning. No, it's not President Bush, or Vice President Cheney. It's
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, the one at the center of several
scandals, including the firing of the U. S. Attorneys. I can't
possibly state how estatic I am to see - first Mr. Rove, now Mr.
Gonzales - resign from this troubled and troubling administration.
is still hope that something good can come out of the last nearly 7
years of hell. It's not easy being an American ashamed of your own
government because not only do they not represent you, they don't
represent your country, what it means to be American, or the standards
and morals of the country. Perhaps now we can move on from all these
scandals and get down to the business of the country. We should make
these politicians use their month's vacation doing our work - building
our fence in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas!!!!
On a personal note, I apologize for not writing much lately, I've been
writing, just not publicly. It's been a rough week, one none of you
would want to read day in and day out. I will comment real briefly
though about Walter's comment on my last blog... All I want to do is
remind you the Bible has been revised several times over the last
several hundred years, and to assume nothing got omitted or added to
the text - whether right or wrong - is being extremely optimistic. I
understand what you're saying when you say you can't cherry pick. All
I'm saying is we need to take the focus on religious rituals etc., and
get back to the personal faith.

1 comment:

Walter parker said...

Hi again Sharon,
I am again replying to one of your blogs (Political News etc) via e-mail. I really am getting frustrated with this computer or link up or whatever. It again wouldn’t let me post my comments to your blog without some code and before I found it again I lost my comments, so now I am just going to e-mail it to you direct.

When you say, “we need to take the focus on religious rituals etc., and get back to the personal faith.” I am in full agreement with you. And that is why, at the risk of boring you again, I strongly suggest to everyone to read their Bibles for themselves and literally “get back to the basics’. T

There is as you imply a heck of a lot of additions and excretions added to true Biblical teachings these days and the only way to get to the truth is to go back to the original texts.

It is also true as you say that ‘the Bible has been revised several times over the last several hundred years”. This is particularly so over the past 50 or so years with many different English speaking versions coming on the market.

Which is why it is important to understand the difference between a Translation of the Bible and an Interpretation of the Bible. Most of the New Versions on the Market today are not proper translations but interpretations and thus allowed to be a little freer with their meanings.

I do read interpretations sometimes to get a broader idea of certain words but only ever as aback up to a Translation Version. The Version I prefer is the New Revised Standard Version. Another good one is the “New American Standard Version” with others preferring the new King James Version”.

Now as to your comment, “and to assume nothing got omitted or added to the text - whether right or wrong - is being extremely optimistic.” You are quite correct and the reason why all the above versions have “New” or revised before them. For many years the King James Version was the only one available and all translations were taken from it for some 400 years. But with new archaeological discoveries of old biblical Scripture, a more accurate base text has been recovered.

This was greatly helped by the discoveries of the Dead Sea Scrolls back in1949 when parts of all but one (or 2?) biblical texts were found. They even found two complete Texts of Isaiah and when checked against today’s base text only found 3 different words, and even then they were more of context than meaning and had nothing to do with items of faith. So Sharon the Bible as we have it today is probable the most accurate’ ancient” text possible.
Well again, enough preaching for now.