Friday, January 22, 2010

A Note

Howdy everyone.
I am so happy today's over. Whew. What a relief. It was a busy day, busier than it's been all week, but not nearly as busy as a typical Friday is. But I guess we're all still gauging based off of how it was during the holidays.
For those of you who read the post where I mentioned I was waiting on some news, I still haven't heard anything yet. I am patiently waiting though, as a week or two or however long is a mere second when compared to how long I've been trying to do it myself. So I'm waiting, patiently somehow (so out of character for me, Ms. Impatient - Mom was the queen lol).
I truly think the cats are striving to hold up to their new year's resolutions. Nimbus hasn't backed down yet from a sparring match without at least puffing up and letting 'em know he ain't taking it. Curzon's been in charge of security and blog inspection rofl (I swear right now he's like an eigth of an inch from sitting ON my PDA keyboard). He's also taken over lulling-the-mombean-to-sleep job. Jadzia's the one that makes sure I get there, and that I leave enough room for her. She's fighting back against Curzon's tactics, much to his dismay (now he's got both of them giving him the crap back lol). Oh I forgot. Nimbus is in charge of making sure I sneak in a powernap after work (you know the ones you fight the hardest to stay awake after so you sleep more at night). I lost an hour somehow yesterday when I don't even remember laying down. I guess it's all good though - he woke me up for his shot lol. Jadzia's still got front guard duty, but the twins are sharing rear guard duty. Nimbus is taking a break from the stealth spot (thankfully as there were times I almost tripped over him at night). I do wish that I spoke the Coon catonese dialect. Sheesh, Jadzia yaps about so much... And I'm clueless as to what it is! Curzon only yaps when he's got a 'present' - and even then it sounds more like a pitiful cry! But there's no mistaking that noise. Nimbus only talks when he's trying to tell you to stop what you're doing and pay attention to him, and that's honestly more like a bark - a single meow followed by the deepest, wide-eyed stares you've ever gotten from a cat or most beans!
So right now it's been agreed that I need to rest, so I'm going to before Curzon just lays down on my hands and prevents me from doing anything at all. Be well everyone!


Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope you get some rest, maybe the cat chatter with quiet a bit. Have a wonderful weekend!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Curzon knows how to keep you in line!!