Thursday, February 11, 2010

*Author too Lazy to Title this Post*

IT FINALLY STOPPED SNOWING!!!!!!!!! Well, for now... they're calling for more soon but not much just a few inches (what's 5 when ya got 55 already). It's an absolute mess out there. I so need to hit the lottery... and move away from this frozen hell! I hate it!!!! LOL
So I am cutting back on Nimbus' insulin (this time more successfully than last time so far). I did make the mistake of dozing off with an empty plate from an Italian sausage I had (but it still had naughty sauce - aka spaghetti sauce - on it) and Nimbus got a few licks (which is what woke me up). So he got an extra little bit to keep him from spiking and ruining our control, and it worked. Whew... Dang cat.
Jadzia kept grabbing at my leg earlier. Usually when she does that, she wants up on my lap. This time she was telling me something - I was late for Nimbus' PM shot (which is also feeding time LOL). Luckily I was smart and looked at the clock and realized it early - I was only like 10 minutes late. Whew!
I made it to work today, albeit a bit late as I was still snowed in! But luckily a coworker came to my rescue. So now the melting can begin (quickly please LOL).
Sorry I'm not feeling very gabby or energetic. No pics, nothing... but as soon as this posts I'm making my rounds in blogland. Be well everyone.

1 comment:

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Rumblemum philosophy:

When in doubt (or lazy) post photo of cute cat (can be old photo)

No further words required.
