Monday, March 15, 2010

ManCat Monday Part 1 - Curzon

I have such a horror story to tell!
I was nice for mommy though, I surprised her by already being in the PTU when she went to go looking for me. I didn't squirm too much when we went outside either. I let my feelings be known though on the way but I tried my hardest to not be overdramatic. BUT I SHOULD'VE BEEN!
First there was this dog in there waiting with me - I thought it was an all cats thing! I was sorely disappointed! Then they put me on this table and told me I was nearly 14 and a half pounds. I'm supposed to be bigger than the little boy! WAH! So you can imagine how disappointed I am.
Oh and the lady the mom called the tech was sweet - until she grabbed me by my neck, what mom calls the scruff. I tried my hardest to get away but I couldn't!
And then they had the audacity to shove something up my rears! Mom said it was so they could take my temperature, but couldn't they tell I felt fine? I  pulled my famous squirm flip and went after everyone my paws could reach, but not even that worked! They just brought in another "tech" and shoved it up my butt!
And then they wanted to take some of my vital mojo from me! They asked mom to leave because they thought I'd throw an even bigger fit but by this point I was getting exhausted. But before that, they trimmed all my weapons down! So now I have no weapons and a little less of what mom calls "blood". Dangit! So I'm exhausted! I didn't even put up much of a fight on the way home, I'm just too tired. When we got home, mom gave me and my sister some flea medicine and tried to make sure we didn't lick it off. She also shoved something down my sister's throat, so my sister's none too happy. But Nimbus has it worse when it comes time for his afternoon ritual! He's got his normal poke, a pill, a dose of flea medicine AND a shot to look forward to! Glad it's him and not me, I've been through enough!
But the doctor did give me a little bit of good news. She thinks it's just something I ate that upset my belly and told mom how to help it out if it becomes a problem again. She also said she wanted to see the boy as soon as mom can bring him in (oh joy joy - he hates it almost as much as mom does). So overall I guess mom was worrying for nothing, but considering everything we've been going through, I guess it's what she does!
So anyways, on to my photo shoot from last night...
Mom had decided to try to get ahead of the game a little bit by having two big photo shoots last night. Well... ok I guess..
Mom wanted to show off how long I am but I wasn't having any part of it. Pardon the piece of cat litter, but she couldn't be bothered to try to take a decent photo of me showing my length, no... She had to show off my underside! MOM!!!!!
But I decided I'd forgive her and gave her the cute face just to make her feel better. I even smiled!
Then I had to remind sis and mom who's the boss around here. That's just part of the job description for a ManCat!
I thought I was sneaking up on the boy but looking at this picture I guess he knew I was coming. Dang moms and their flashy boxes!
So anyways, that's how I spent my night last night, resting and dealing with mom... hope you guys had a good weekend!

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