Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Winner Wednesday

Brian wasn't kidding when he said I had a hectic day today. I was planning to have this up no later than 3pm - ha! Oh well!
I'm going to be doing things a little bit differently than Brian though. I don't have the additional website to put all of the honorable mentions in, so I'm just going to do my Winner and 2 Honorable Mention in each category. If I have your email, I'll email you your awards!
First of all, for the Apparel award...

Luna! This was a hard one for me and I had to bring in an outside judge to tiebreak this one for me! Gorgeous AND talented!
Honorable mention goes to:
Allie and that oh-so-adorable-face, and...
Clifford! Both Allie and Clifford are from Friends Furever, so swing by with me and congratulate them!

Now Holiday Spirit was even more difficult...
But I chose Iza because there was way more partying than in any other submission! The whole theme was there - the color, the partying, everything humans do on the holiday, this cat did better! Iza OWNED the whole day I think! I'm still laughing!
But the two Honorable Mentions are so tight I don't even know where to put where, so heck, ya'll are tied for second!
Congratulations to The Creek Cats and Luna once again! You guys definitely had the spirit!
Congratulations to everyone that participated and thank you for such a wonderful competition!