Sunday, May 2, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

We are taking it easy today, as the boys so aptly demonstrate.
I, of course, am staying out of range of the flashy box, because TSB will NOT catch me snoozing with that thing today. I am waiting for the storms - which will surely scare Curzon under the bed, and put TSB's nerves on edge. She's getting better, but storms still make her nervous sometimes, especially spring storms. But it doesn't FEEL like spring here right now, as yesterday it was up in the 90s and it almost hit 90 today! TSB is loving it though, and is waiting just a little bit longer to get her hair cut again. That's cool with us because that'll mean it'll be a few extra minutes in bed in the morning because her hair won't take so long to brush out, so we'll get to cuddle longer!


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