Monday, November 1, 2010


I have some recent pics to share but between work, sleep & the ickies that won't STAY gone I just haven't had the energy to deal wif blogger much. Heck, I'm a day & a half behind on everything at this point! Hope everyone's well!
*pawhugs* to our BFF's Jack & Inigo. Get better - and SOON! We luv ya tons!

TSB w/ the Clan


Lynx217 said...

It's not that I feel BAD, I just don't feel quite right most of the time.
Think it's more exhaustion than anything, but definitely mixed with a little
cold. But when you go from a high of nearly 80 to not even 55 in ONE DAY
will get anyone sick!

d'ArtagnanRumblepurr said...

Oooo pics of my BOOTIFUL Jazzy? *edge of seat*

Brian Frum said...

I hope you're feeling better soon...purrs2u!

Lynx217 said...

Rumbles lives!!!!

Thecreekcats said...

Sending you lots of energizing vibes!