Monday, June 27, 2011

Mancat Monday

On a side note before today's (naughty) post, I know now that Blogger cut it's process out of videos so now you have to load to youtube, and while I like youtube for some things I don't want my cats up there. So what I'll probably do from here on out is have a Picasa album up for videos and just link you all there when there's one there. I know it ain't as easy, but it might be my only solution. I haven't figured out TwitVid yet.... MOL
On to the post...
Curzon is very naughty, he LOVES chewing on things... Belts, cords, shoelaces, you name it, he'll chew on it until I stop him, and if I'm not careful, especially in the case of yarn, drawstring, or the like, he will actually EAT it. Here's what he was doing a few days ago. And no I'm not that concerned, you got to understand. I paid a whole measly $1 for it at the thrift store a couple years ago. I think I have another one around here too. I know how to replace on the cheap too. And... he didn't kill it too bad...

I guess my belt is really really nommy. Either that or he's just a nut - which I'm convinced he is!
This is what he did to it in the matter of a couple brief minutes.

Yesh, he has fangs and knows how to use them. Imagine if that was a poor, helpless mousie... OW!


Trish said...

CHOMP!  Felix says that is EXCELLENT chewing.  And he knows chewing!

mariodacat said...

oh to have toothies to chew on things again!

Penelope Catfromhell said...

Ah Yes! The cewed leather! I have a purse with the same marks!
penelope's Mom

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, Curzon! You really nommed up that belt! :)