Friday, July 12, 2013


We love our mama... perhaps a wee too much. But mama came home wif good huntings today. While we know we won't get any of it, just smelling it is enough. There is nothing quite like the aroma of sausages slowly cooking in the crock pot. Even better is seeing mama put a smile on daddy's face! So i let mama snuggle with me a bit. And it wa  also kitty thanks for throwing brofur off balance by waking up way before him! Mol

And Rumbles, thanks for the compliment. And to the sweet inlaws... don't be skeered of brofur's fangs. Now the boy's... HIS hurt. But his were prime unworn needles! Mol guess it was for the best... the worst fangs on the one who wouldn't ever use them!


Brian106sc said...

Yum! Let's eat!

Quinn from Catitude said...

Mommy loves her crock pot. Sausage. Chicken. Stew. Sloppy Joes. Smells wonderful! I don't really eat a lot of human food (I'm learning). But using the slow cooker in the summer is a lot cooler than "cooking" in the kitchen. I love that!

The Florida Furkids said...


The Florida Furkids