Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Message to Katy

Isn't it so weird how we bloggers have formed such a tight little
community when few if any of us have ever met? This has been brought
up a couple times today as Katy has announced her leaving (I'm not
taking you off of my blogroll woman, even though you're leaving us).
We all have personal issues and sometimes we just need time to iron
them out. I've had to leave before, sometimes for a week, but there
was a time a few years ago I didn't even touch a computer for a month
(and while I wasn't blogging at that point I was so hooked on chatting
in chatrooms no one thought I could leave). So here's my message to
Katy tonight: I wish you all the luck, love, strength and support a
friend could possibly give. I hope everything resolves itself in its
proper time, and that you return to us soon. We will miss you and your
valued support and comments. May serenity and peace guide you and
shield you from the turmoil that is life. And should you ever need a
shoulder to lean on, drop one of your pals an email. I know any one of
your blog friends would be happy to let you lean on them a bit. And
dearest Katy, thank you personally for being such a wonderful friend
and advisor to me. You will never be forgotten, no matter how long
you're gone.
(And to the rest of the blog'net, feel free to sign - ie comment - below.)


jumpinginpuddles said...

we will also missh er and it is a loss when we know something has to givei n our life and often blogging is one of them thats so sad for her and us

Tory said...

All I have to add to what you said, is...Amen!
Take care, Katy

Kahless said...

I have tagged you on my blog.