Thursday, November 12, 2009

We Are NOT Trained...

...And today we proved it!
We start with Jadzia. She wanted to bathe... I wanted some of her attention.

Eventually she left the scene.

So I "catnapped" Nimbus and brought him to the scene. But that didn't work too well either. He really doesn't dig the windowsill like the twins do. He's not afraid of heights though. 

Well I thought it'd be cool to get some pics of the boys together, so I grabbed Curzon too! But the boys don't do well together unless it's mutually agreed to (and especially NOT by me). 

Nimbus just wanted to get away, Curzon just wanted to show off his freaky eye trick! 

Finally, I got both to lay down, but that didn't last long either. 

One good shot of them together. I tried to get another one zoomed out some more so you could more accurately see how much bigger Nimbus is from Curzon, but well, that wasn't happening! I tried to save the shot but instead I ended up with half of a Curzon in the pic and then both cats on the other side of the apartment!
I hope you enjoyed the pics, next time I'm not going to try so hard! Sheesh...

1 comment:

Quill and Greyson said...

Very fun pics today!