Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Finally Did It...

Hey folks.
Well I did it. I picked up my cross-stitch project and started it again. It's a slow-go because it's just so big for something I normally do. It's a small one, but those small patterns usually don't get that much done on them. This one is going to be covered in color. I've already got the kitties done and the majority of the fence. Right now is the sky. I need to finish up this row that wasn't finished when I stopped and then I'm going to figure out where and if I'm going to put clouds in. It's one of those store-bought patterns that I've altered dramatically lol. But you know I can't just have a one-black-cat pattern. So I got both of my black cats up on the fence! Maybe I should put a bird in the sky! Hehehehe...
So anyways, there's not much of anything going on here. We're happy here that we're only getting 1-3" of snow hopefully tomorrow, as after a record-shattering winter, we're done with the crap already! I'm so tired of it there aren't even enough words in the dictionary to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH as much as I'm feeling it! I know you guys down south (and gals, I haven't forgotten about you Soul) are thinking you got a lot. I know it IS a lot for you, but OMGG when the snow is as deep as the wading side of a POOL you know you have too much snow!
So I guess I'll write more later maybe. Hope everyone is well and staying warm!


Teddy Westlife said...

It's very warm here in Melbourne! Hey there is an award for the kitties on my blog (Sunday post, not Monday's, just to be confusing).

The Creek Cats said...

We got snow over the weekend. It never snows here, so it was quite the sight to see. We'll be happy when it's all melted away!