Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Some Stuff

Howdy friends.
First of all, thank you for all your wonderful comments about mama and her boy. He was a most adorable kitten, and I am still kinda shocked as to how big he got. He seemingly stayed that size for forever and then like at age 2 or 3 he just suddenly started growing, to the point I think he grew an inch with every nap he took! He was such a good kitten though. We didn't have to teach him anything except not scratching on the furniture. He followed his mama everywhere, even when he didn't necessarily like the taste of something. He wasn't big on water at first (but that didn't take long). The food was a little hard for him (but he'd just keep it in his mouth for a minute - THAT'S a smart kitten). And heck he was trying to get into the litterbox before he was even big enough to reach onto the top of it! I think he was just tired of mama having to groom him down *there* - and I can understand! Oh but don't get me wrong, he was a wee mischevious. He'd sneak out of the nest all the time, which drove Jadzia crazy. He was quite a little biter, and not just on plastic. He'd bite on the arm of the computer chair, our feet (which hurt big time even though he didn't draw blood), and the little bar remnants of Ivory soap! Yes, guys, he washed his own mouth out! ROFL He was one silly kitten. But he was always smart. We had this rectangular tube from when Mr. Cat was putting our desk together... Oh it's about 4-5 feet long... Of course he's so tiny he just crawled right in, but the twins could only get a paw up in there. Well they were chasing him, so he just ran in, got to the middle, turned around and laid down! I swear he must have been harassing the twins too because I've never seen them outsmarted before or since! But I always tell Jadzia how good of a mamacat she was, especially considering she herself was still a kitten. She wasn't even quite a year old when she had him, and for Coons, the first two years are kitten years. Then they really are big cats but they're just teenagers: growing like weeds but thinking they know everything. The thing is, Nimbus DID know everything! The only thing the twins have up on him is mice catching!
You know it says something about you guys when the first thing I do when I get home from work is whip out the PDA and write for ya'll! What's up with that? I guess I'm just silly like that. I haven't even checked the email yet (but I will before I actually send this rofl). I'm still waiting to see if the mailman (well, mail lady as usually it's a chick) has come yet but it's not that big of a deal.
So I'm curious for all my pals with tons of snow: how big are your snow piles? Ours are ranging from 5-6' so far. I haven't seen any get much higher yet, but if we get another snowstorm, God only knows where they're going to put this snow. Maybe they'll get smart and start piling it up where there's a vacant business or something. Since there's nothing there, after all... Why not?
We dodged a big bullet here today. We were supposed to get a few inches of snow but we didn't! We got a light coating last night and a wee closer to a dusting this morning. I'm so happy! For having to see snow, I was happy to see it NOT accumulate! Woohoo!
Anyways we hope everyone is comfy enjoying the cat-o-lympics. We might have to start a new category - competitive staring! Geez if only you guys could see the looks Nimbus is giving Jadzia (who's sitting on my lap helping me write lol)... You'd think he's jealous, but he's no lap cat. So why he was giving his mama the look, I have no idea.

1 comment:

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

He better watch it, mummy might look back!!!